Mosaic Church Clarksville TN


We partner with families all year long, to help your kids take their next steps toward Christ. Your child is growing and changing every day, right before your eyes. It’s just a phase; don’t miss it! Download the eBooklet to learn more about our teachers, what your child is learning each weekend, and what to expect in each new phase this year.

Mosaic families

Learn about Jesus at home!

Whether you worship in-person, or at home, your children can have a great time 
learning about Jesus with us!

Kids Mosaic Church Clarksville TN pre-k

Your kids will love it!

We believe grownups should have a great experience in “big people church” while our children have an age-appropriate, excellent experience in “little people church.” During a typical weekend service, your kids will have fun, play games, sing songs, meet new friends—and learn how much they matter to God. Be sure to check out the Parent Resource Wall in the foyer.